Doughdish (Herreshoff 12 ½) H Class

Doughdish (Herreshoff 12 ½) H Class
Hull #430, built by Edey & Duff in 2000, an exact replica of the Herreshoff 12 ½ but with a fiberglass hull. Teak woodwork throughout, spruce spars, complete with a Triad trailer, Harding mainsail, jib, and spinnaker, cockpit cover, Honda 4-stroke 2 horsepower with bracket, Shaw & Tenney oars. Winter stored indoors and only sailed in fresh water.
Specifications: LOA: 15’10”, LWL: 12’6”, Beam: 5’10”, Draft: 2’6”, Displacement: 1,500 lb., Ballast: 735 lb. leaded keel, Rigging: 140 sq. ft. sail area, gaff-rigged, self-tacking jib, spinnaker with pole. Designer: N.G. Herreshoff.
Features: Seaworthy, stable keel boat, handles rough seas well, or use the spinnaker in light winds. Roomy cockpit sails comfortably with up to 6 persons, easily single-handed. Foam flotation in bow and stern. Beautiful teak woodwork, distinctive Herreshoff lines.
Can be seen on Madeline Island, WI. In great condition, on Triad trailer, ready to be towed to your lake or ocean. Call or text Tony @ 925-698-5970.